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How to Clean Gym Mats

How to Clean Your Gym Mats

We have all heard horror stories about people catching deadly viruses and diseases from various environments. As a business owner of a facility with a greater likelihood and possibility for diseases as such to rise, it is important that you take cleanliness and sanitation very serious. In this particular article we go over the several steps that you can take in order to greatly reduce the risk of such outbreaks in bacteria.

Tips for Cleaning Your Gym Mats

The health and wellbeing of your customers and employees in very important to you and keeping your facility clean and safe is a critical part of that program. Below are some key tips to making sure the mats in your facility are clean and safe.

So what is the difference between a Tennant 5680 & Tennant 5700

What is the difference between the Tennant 5680 & the Tennant 5700 ?

By Rick Schott Circle the author on Google+

Many people ask us to explain the difference between the Tennant 5680 walk behind scrubber and the Tennant 5700 walk behind scrubber. Take a look at this.


Cost Advantages of Buying a Floor Scrubber

Whether it is due to the economy or in an effort to just cut overall costs, companies are looking for ways to save money. One way to help is to look at the option to either purchase or lease a scrubber.

Floor Sweeper and Scrubber Safety around Loading Docks

Dock Safety, Don't let your Floor Scrubber/Sweeper Fall Off

By Rick Schott Circle the author on Google+

 In my 25 years of selling floor cleaning equipment I have received the following phone call at least 20 times: “Can you come over here and take a look at our floor scrubber?  Someone drove it off the loading dock last night”.  Hard to believe, but I just got that same call today and thought it was time to share some simple common sense ideas to help prevent this from happening

How to Stop Dust From a Concrete Floor

When it comes to concrete floors, the dust never seems to end. Learn how you can stop the dust once and for all by grinding, polishing, and sealing your facility's concrete floors.

Do You Need a Floor Sweeper or Floor Scrubber

When a new customer who has never used floor cleaning equipment contacts me for the first time, they almost always want a quote on a floor scrubber. I like to do a survey of the customer’s facility to get a really good idea of what the customer is trying to accomplish. What I often find is one of two things. One typical situation is a customer that has been sweeping the floor by hand and is either too busy, or the facility has expanded, making sweeping by hand impractical. The other typical situation is a very dirty facility, that has done little or no cleaning in the past, and some change, either new management or an impending event has forced the company to clean up.

Why the Tennant 5700 Floor Scrubber?

Best Floor Scrubber in America, Tennant 5700

Tennant charges more for their walk behind scrubbers than almost any of their competitors.  A used Tennant 5700 scrubber sells for almost twice what any competitors does.  Why is it that this machine outsells every other brand new and used?

Watering Your Floor Scrubber & Sweeper Batteries

It is important to periodically add distilled water to your flooded batteries. The electrolyte level in a flooded lead acid battery will gradually lower over time as hydrogen and oxygen gasses are released through the vent caps due to electrolysis; a normal battery process. The rate at which the water in the electrolyte is depleted depends on the battery cell temperature and humidity.

Maintaining Your Warehouse Floor Coating

Proper maintenance will increase the life and maintain the appearance of your new coated floor. Learn how to care for your coated floor on a regular basis, and solutions to common issues such as stains and rubber tire marks.

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