The benefits of using an industrial floor sweeper in your warehouse, distribution center, or machine shop are pretty clear. For one thing, they help you remove debris quickly and easily, which is essential for keeping the work environment safe for workers and staff. It's also perfect for controlling dust, which not only helps keep the air quality at safe levels, but it also helps your business comply with OSHA standards. However, using and industrial floor sweeper regularly, while very necessary, isn't enough. Facilities should be scrubbing floors with soap and water at least twice each year.
Start With Sweeping
First things first, sweeping is absolutely essential to maintaining a clean workspace.
Sweeping by hand is tedious at best, and downright impossible at worst. Investing in an industrial floor sweeper will have you cleaning 10 times faster than a person could possibly sweep by hand. Companies that use industrial sweepers save hundreds of dollars each month because of labor costs alone. If you currently sweep by hand, consider investing in a walk-behind or rider floor sweeper. The PowerBoss Atlas industrial sweeper offers heavy-duty cleaning both inside and outside large facilities, while the compact battery-operated Factory Cat 34 maneuvers easily and quietly through tight spaces.
Follow With Scrubbing
Sweeping is great for removing debris, but it can’t remove slippery grease and oils from the floor or keep dust levels down alone. For many facilities, it's easy to overlook the importance of scrubbing. Not only will your facility look better overall afterward, it's the only way to effectively remove slippery materials and maintain OSHA-acceptable dust levels.
Industrial floor scrubbers use high-speed rotating pads to loosen and scrub dirt and dust, and a vacuum system that removes the dirty water into a recovery tank so that floors are cleaned in one pass. A thorough scrubbing will pick up ground-in dirt that the sweeper leaves behind which is essential for maintaining polished or sealed concrete floors. Dirt and dust are abrasive, and when combined with foot or forklift traffic, you'll soon find your floor without its shine.
Compact auto scrubbers like the Bulldog WD20 are the easiest way keep floors clean in smaller facilities like gyms, grocery stores, and auto dealerships. Larger warehouses and factories can save significant time and money by investing in a rider floor scrubber like the Tennant T17.
Choose a Floor Scrubber Rental
If you already have an industrial floor sweeper, or you've done a little research already, you know that these kinds of machines aren't always easy to fit into the budget. It may not make economic sense to invest in an industrial floor scrubber if you're only going to use a few times a year. Renting a scrubber allows you to thoroughly clean your facility when you need to without needing to store or maintain the maintain on a long-term basis. Work with a company like Factory Cleaning Equipment that offers daily, weekly, and monthly rates to fit your facility’s budget.