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Squeegee Keeps Falling Off

If the front or rear squeegee blade on your floor scrubber keeps falling off you may want to take a look at the squeegee band and buckle to make sure that it is fastened to the proper tightness. Follow these short steps guiding you through the process of tightening or loosening the metal band on your squeegee assembly.

    1. Unbuckle squeegee band

unbuckle squeegee band buckle

    1. Remove squeegee buckle from squeegee band

remove squeegee buckle

    1. Tighten or loosen the tension screw that is attached to the buckle

tightening squeegee tension screw

    1. Re-attach buckle to the squeegee band

reattach squeegee buckle

    1. Press buckle into place (making sure it snaps shut)

press buckle into place

reattach squeegee buckle

Follow this instructional video for further assistance.

Do you still need help? Give us a call at 800-793-3790 and we can get our service team to help you out.

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