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Machine Clean Heavy Duty Cleaner

Machine clean is a heavy-duty, industrial spray and wipe cleaner that safely removes grease, oil, and other soils.

Sold as a case of 12 1-quart bottles
Manufacturer: Other
SKU: MC100

Heavy Duty Industrial Spray & Wipe

Machine Clean is a heavy-duty, industrial spray and wipe cleaner. It handles the toughest jobs in many applications while safely removing grease, oil, soils like smoke film and pencil marks.

This cleaning solution is a great cleaner for painted surfaces. Since this product is considered more of a general cleaner to spray and wipe away, it is not recommended to be used directly in the solution tank of any floor cleaning machine. However, you can still spray an area on the floor to be scrubbed and suctioned through a floor scrubber.


  • Removes stubborn marks
  • General purpose for many applications
  • Penetrates and loosens dried soils
  • Pleasant mint fragrance
  • Non-flammable
  • Chemically stable
  • No carcinogens

Recommended Uses

  • Bathrooms
  • Spot cleaning on hard floors
  • Walls
  • Garages
  • Areas that see a lot of grease and oil

Packaging Options

  • Case of 12/1 Quart Bottles

Machine Clean is a great general purpose cleaner made to tackle different jobs around the home or workplace. The appropriate sized bottles are ideal to help keep track of chemical expenses. It also means that you don’t need to worry about big solution drums taking up valuable floor space. Machine Clean is safe enough to not damage painted surfaces like walls but tough enough for grease and ink.

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