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Floor Cleaning Terms, What do They all Mean.

Floor Cleaning Terms, What do They all Mean!

By Rick Schott Circle the author on Google+

Not sure what all the terms mean when you’re looking for a cleaning agent, detergent, soap, or floor cleaning chemicals?  Getting the right solutions can be confusing.  Below is a breakdown of the common terms that are discussed when choosing the right cleaning agent for your floors and what to put in your floor scrubber.

Soil – Soil is a matter existing at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Detergent – A detergent is any material capable of removing soil from the surface to which it is adhering.

Wetting – Soil exhibits an adhesive force on the surface to which it is adhering.  A wetting agent increases the ability of a detergent to penetrate the soil deposit and wet the surface area underneath the soil deposit by lowering the surface tension of the solution.  Wetting the interface reduces the force holding the soil to the surface and permits removal of the soil by mechanical means such as agitation or scrubbing.

Surfactants – (surface active agents) Surfactants are compounds which reduce the surface tension of a solution and, thereby, facilitate “wetting” of the surface to be cleaned.  Lowering of surface tension and consequent wetting reduces the adhesive force between particles and the surface to which they are adhering.

Solvent – A solvent is a liquid substance capable of dissolving or dispersing one or more other substances.

Deflocculation – Deflocculation is a process whereby oil and greasy soil particles are broken up and dispersed throughout a detergent solution.

Chelating Agents – A chelating agent helps to hold the constituents of a detergent in a solution and binds free metal ions thereby helping to facility the cleaning process.

Not sure of a term not listed here?  Call us at 800-793-3790 and talk to an expert.

By Rick Schott

Circle the author on Google+.

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