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Perils of Buying Reconditioned Equipment

When you buy used equipment over the internet you have to take a leap of faith. Is your supplier honest? Unfortunately we have seen firsthand that many are not. Learn what to watch out for when buying reconditioned floor cleaning equipment.

Used/Rebuilt Floor Scrubber Market Undergoes Drastic Changes

Floor scrubbers and sweepers are traditionally neglected and abused by many end users. Think about it, a floor scrubber literally spends its entire life in dirt, water, and sometimes corrosive chemicals or salt. Floor Sweepers live in a constant cloud of dust. Sweepers powered by internal combustion engines live or die depending on how their engine air filter is maintained.

Timing is Everything When It Comes to Running Your Sweeper or Scrubber

Make Sure Cleaning Your Facility in on the Schedule.

By Rick Schott Circle the author on Google+

It never ceases to amaze me.  We get a call from a past customer that they are ready to trade in their old floor scrubber or sweeper.  The customer tells us things like, “The old machine just isn’t getting it done” or “I have decided to get this place clean and keep it clean once and for all.”

Quick Repair Tips for Keeping Your Floor Scrubber and Sweeper Working Like New

Quick Repair Tips for Keeping Your Floor Scrubber & Sweeper Working Like New

By Rick Schott Circle the author on Google+

Factory Cleaning Equipment gets several calls each day about service for floor scrubbers and sweepers.  What can you do to keep your machine in service and not needing service?

Floor Cleaning Terms, What do They all Mean.

Floor Cleaning Terms, What do They all Mean!

By Rick Schott Circle the author on Google+

Not sure what all the terms mean when you’re looking for a cleaning agent, detergent, soap, or floor cleaning chemicals?  Getting the right solutions can be confusing.  Below is a breakdown of the common terms that are discussed when choosing the right cleaning agent for your floors and what to put in your floor scrubber.

Does Your Floor Sweeper Create a Dust Cloud?

My Floor Sweeper is Creating Dust Clouds, Why?

By Rick Schott Circle the author on Google+

The sweeper that you purchased was designed to sweep up quickly without generating dust as it works.  Odds are that is why you bought it.  If your machine seems to just move the fine dust off the floor and into the air it probably can be easily fixed.

Floor Scrubber Planned Maintenance Can Save You Money

Planned Maintenance for Your Floor Scrubber or Sweeper Can Save You Money.

By Rick Schott Circle the author on Google+

If you use a floor scrubber or sweeper on a daily or weekly basis you probably know that ongoing maintenance costs are a big part of ownership.  Even the best, most heavy duty, floor cleaning machines need constant daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance.  These machines literally live in dirt every day.

Clean Plants Are Safe, Efficient, and Profitable - Five Easy Tips To Getting Clean and Staying Clean

Five Easy Tips to Getting Your Facility Clean & Safe

By Rick Schott Circle the author on Google+

Schedule Cleaning – Every day at the same time a designated person should clean your plant floors (sweep, mop, run the floor scrubber, etc.)  All employees will get their departments ready making cleaning easier and more effective.  More importantly, scheduled cleaning actually gets done.

Why Invest in a Floor Scrubber Unit Versus Contract Outside Service

Why Invest in a Floor Scrubber Unit vs Contract Outside Service

By Rick Schott Circle the author on Google+

The decision to scrub your floors on regular basis is a good one.  Besides the obvious benefits of having a clean facility you will reduce labor costs, have safer floor conditions, improve employee morale, and impress customers.

Should I buy, rent, or lease a floor scrubber?

Why You Should Buy/Lease/Rent a Floor Scrubber

By Rick Schott Circle the author on Google+

The decision to scrub your floors on regular basis is a good one.  Besides the obvious benefits of having a clean facility you will reduce labor costs, have safer floor conditions, improve employee morale, and impress customers.

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